Category: For rent
Decimastraat – Leiden
Specifications: Floor space 25m² Located on the 2nd floor Studio / single occupancy Ineterior: carpeted (laminated floor, curtains) Price/month: € 770,- (this covers all expenses for gas, water, electricity, WiFi-signal, cable TV-signal and a washing-machine) Available: August 1st 2021
Ampèrestraat – the Hague
Specifications: Floor space 65m² Located on the 1st floor Two bedrooms Interior: carpeted (laminated floor, curtains) Price/month: € 850,- (expenses for gas, water, electricity, WiFi-signal, cable TV-signal and are exluded) Available: November/December 2020 An income eligibility requirement is applicable for this property. If you wish to rent the apartment, you must apply for an affordable […]